Legal Services


Business Registration

Provide full agency services for company registration, including company name approval, industrial and commercial registration, tax registration, bank account opening, etc., to ensure the smooth establishment of the enterprise.


Legal Consultation

Provide consultation services on various legal issues, including contract law, labor law, intellectual property law, company law, etc., to help clients solve legal problems.


Contract Review and Drafting

Review and draft various contracts and agreements for clients to ensure the legality and effectiveness of contract terms and avoid legal risks.


Labor Relations Management

Assist enterprises in handling labor relations issues, including labor contract signing, labor dispute resolution, work injury compensation, etc.


Intellectual Property Protection

Provide intellectual property protection services such as trademark registration, patent application, and copyright registration to ensure the legality and exclusivity of the enterprise's intellectual property.


Corporate Governance and Compliance

Provide services such as corporate governance structure design, drafting and modification of company charters, and formulation of shareholder agreements to ensure legal and compliant operation of the enterprise.


Legal Risk Management

Evaluate the legal risks of enterprises, formulate legal risk management strategies, and help enterprises prevent and resolve potential legal risks.


Litigation and Arbitration

Represent enterprises and individuals in handling various civil and commercial litigation and arbitration matters to protect clients' legal rights.

Our Advantages


Professional Team

Our team consists of experienced lawyers, certified accountants, and tax experts with extensive experience in legal, financial, and tax management.


Comprehensive Services

Provide comprehensive services covering multiple fields such as legal, financial, and tax to meet diverse customer needs.


Efficient and Fast

Quickly respond to customer needs and provide timely and accurate legal support and services.


Customized Solutions

Provide customized legal consulting and enterprise registration service solutions based on customers' specific needs to ensure the pertinence and effectiveness of services.


Long-term Support

Not only provide enterprise registration services but also provide subsequent legal, financial, and tax support to help enterprises achieve success in market competition.

Our Mission

By providing professional and comprehensive legal consulting services and enterprise registration services, we help clients solve legal problems, protect legal rights, ensure legal and compliant operation of enterprises, and achieve sustainable and healthy development. At the same time, enhance clients' legal awareness and management capabilities, and help them achieve success in market competition.